Displaying 471 - 480 of 839
FinDev Interview

Why Do We Need a Women’s Financial Inclusion Community of Practice?

CGAP’s Yasmin Bin-Humam discusses why gender is such a key topic in financial inclusion and what the Women's Financial Inclusion Community of Practice (COP) is up to.

FinDev Blog

"Our Time As Leaders Has Come"

Women leaders in financial inclusion from around the globe answer the question: What message or advice would you give to women in the sector who would like to reach leadership positions in their institutions?

FinDev Guide

Gateway Guide to Women’s Financial Inclusion

A guide to our most recent library resources on digital financial services for women, policies for promoting women’s financial inclusion, reviews of impact evaluations on women’s empowerment initiatives, and more.

FinDev Blog

The Story of Her: Gender Insights from FinScope

FinScope’s layered approach to data collection and analysis allows us to explore women’s empowerment at the individual, household, and community levels.


A Comprehensive Framework for Gender Centrality in Financial Services

How can financial service providers serve women customers better?

Closing the Gender Gap: Opportunities for the Women’s Mobile Financial Services Market in Bangladesh

Findings from quantitative survey of 4000 women on mobile financial services

Pro-WEAI Baseline Results from the Initiative Building the Resilience of Vulnerable Communities in Burkina Faso (BRB)

Developing project-level indicators to measure women’s empowerment