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COP Webinar

Gender Insights from FinScope!

Watch the above webinar recording, hosted by the Data & Measurement Working Group of the Women’s Financial Inclusion Community of Practice (WFI COP).


Understanding Gender Norms in Rural Burkina Faso: A Qualitative Assessment

Will involving men in women’s empowerment increase project impact?
FinDev Blog

Women’s Empowerment Indicators

Unlike other data sources, FII data has a dedicated gender module measuring women’s economic empowerment, which aims to assess whether women's access to finance results in empowerment.

FinDev Blog

Sowing Digital Seeds

Given the rapid expansion of digital financial services (DFS) use cases in agriculture, the burning question now is: How can women benefit from these tools at equal rates as men?

Case Study

Pafupi Savings: Expanding Financial Inclusion to Rural Women

Designing savings products to meet the needs of Malawian women
FinDev Blog

How to Bring More Women into Mobile Money

To improve the user experience of mobile money smartphone apps and help overcome barriers for women, GRID Impact uses human-centered design - creating solutions with women, not just for women.


Mobile Technologies and Digitized Data to Promote Access to Finance for Women in Agriculture

Taking stock and analyzing digital financial services targeted to female farmers