
Discover Key Innovation for Women's Digital Financial Inclusion at the Next ICT4D Conference

Lack of access to financial services reduces women’s ability to climb out of poverty, contributes to women’s marginalization to the informal sector, and reduces their ability to fully engage in measurable and productive economic activities. 

As women’s digital inclusion and access to dedicated services are a core enabler for consumption, risk mitigation, employment, business development and wealth creation, the next ICT4D Conference taking place in Lusaka, Zambia on 8-10 May will host leading organizations working in the space to showcase some of their new initiatives:

  • Filip Graovac, Deputy Country Representative, The Asia Foundation: "Mobile Banking: Financial Inclusion and Economic Empowerment for the Low-income Population and Women"
  • Jennifer McDonald, Director, Strategic Advisory, Women's World Banking: "Gender Data Disaggregation: The Key to Women's Digital Financial Inclusion"
  • Misozi Mkandawire-Bukali, Managing Director, Zoona Transactions Limited: "Zambia Building Digital Financial Services for Women"
  • Taylor Yess, Women's Financial Capabilities and Inclusion (WIN) Project Officer, Financial Sector Deepening Zambia (FSDZ): "The Great School Fee Migration"
  • Abel Motsomi, Senior Information and Research Specialist, Fin Mark Trust / Insights 2 Impact: "Digital Financial Services Amongst the Youth and Women"