FinDev Guide

Gateway Guide to Women’s Financial Inclusion

Exploring the latest Gateway resources on gender and women’s empowerment
Women's savings group in Madagascar. Photo credit: Christoper Wilton-Steer, 2017 CGAP Photo Contest.

In the past two years since we published our previous Gateway Guide on the topic, numerous publications have been released which delve further into the topic of women’s financial inclusion as we continue to learn more and more. In this Gateway Guide we present you with the most recent library resources in this area - on digital financial services for women, policies for promoting women’s financial inclusion, reviews of impact evaluations on women’s empowerment initiatives, and client research on what women really want from their financial service providers.


The Story of Her: Gender Insights from FinScope

Survey data delves into the layers of women’s interactions with their households and communities

Women’s Empowerment Indicators

Financial Inclusion Insights (FII) is charting new territory with its gender module

Sowing Digital Seeds

How can we grow female farmers' access to financial services?

Making the Gender Gap Visible

An overview of demand-side data on women’s financial inclusion

Can One Billion Women Become Economically Empowered by 2030?

Interview with Cindy Drakeman, Founding CEO of DoubleXEconomy

How Can Microfinance Contribute to Women's Empowerment?

Interview with Naila Kabeer, Professor of Gender and Development at the Gender Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science

Amplifying Women’s Voices for Financial Inclusion in Africa

Interview with Nomsa Daniels, CEO of the pan-African advocacy organization Graça Machel Trust

Gateway Quiz: Exploring Women’s Financial Inclusion Data

Take this quiz to find out how much you know about the financial inclusion gender gap


Mobile Technologies and Digitized Data to Promote Access to Finance for Women in Agriculture

Taking stock and analyzing digital financial services targeted to female farmers

Gender and Digital Financial Inclusion: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know?

Overview of the current body of evidence on women’s access and usage of financial services

Using Your Data to Drive Growth in Mobile Money Services: The Mobile Money Customer Journey with a Gender Lens

How can mobile financial service providers better target women?


Bridging the Gender Gap: Promoting Women’s Financial Inclusion

Guidance on tackling challenges in achieving gender parity in financial inclusion

Integrating Gender and Women’s Financial Inclusion Into National Strategies

Guidance for policymakers and regulators on narrowing the financial inclusion gender gap

Social Norms Change for Women’s Financial Inclusion

Taking social norms into consideration when designing women’s financial inclusion initiatives


Gender Matters in Economic Empowerment Interventions: A Research Review

Analysis of evaluation evidence on women's financial services and training interventions

Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Financial Inclusion: A Review of Existing Evidence and Remaining Knowledge Gaps

What do we know about the impact of different financial products on outcomes for women?


The Paradox of Gender-Neutral Banking

Making the case for a gender-intelligent business model

A Buck Short: What Financial Diaries Tell Us About Building Financial Services That Matter to Low-Income Women

Why do women in emerging markets access and use formal financial services less than men?


Banking on Women: Gender Intelligence for Banks - Moving the Needle on Gender Equality

Analyzing the impact of a Pakistani bank's Gender Intelligence Training Program

Guide to Increasing Women’s Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh Through Digital Financial Services

How can organizations improve women’s use of digital financial services?

Remittances as a Driver of Women's Financial Inclusion in the Mekong Region

Identifying innovative solutions to cross-border payments and tailored financial products

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