All Publications

Showing 1521 - 1530 of 2060

Impact Assessment of SACCOSs in Nepal's Hill Districts: Findings of an Action Research

Analyzing socio-economic impact of hill-based SACCO

Information Bureau for Microfinance in India

What difference can a microfinance information bureau make?
Case Study

Institutionalization through Networking - A Case Study of Dharamveer SHG

Self help groups and linkages: Building the future together

Insurance Products Provided by Insurance Companies to the Disadvantaged Groups in India

What insurance products are provided by insurance companies to disadvantaged groups in India?

Issues of Extending MIS Software to Community Based Financial Institutions

What are the challenges of implementing MIS at NGO MFIs?
Case Study

Kalajhinin Mahila SHG

Empowerment through effective linkages: A case study

Lessons Learned from Implementing Microfinance in a Post-Tsunami Environment (Sri Lanka)

Post-tsunami, what happened to microfinance provision and MFIs in the affected areas?
Case Study

Linking Self-Help-Groups with Banks in India: "Need for Expanding Banks' Role"

Can banks play a more pro-active role in self-help-group microcredit programs?
Case Study

Livelihood Promotion through Income Generation - A Case Study of Maa Tarini Mahila Samiti

Alternatives to traditional methods of income generation