
Lessons Learned from Implementing Microfinance in a Post-Tsunami Environment (Sri Lanka)

Post-tsunami, what happened to microfinance provision and MFIs in the affected areas?
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This presentation states that the tsunami affected livelihoods and microfinance activities in the following manner:

  • In excess of 20,000 livelihoods were lost;
  • Over 10,000 business units were affected;
  • Around 27,000 microfinance clients were affected;
  • Books and accounts were destroyed or damaged;
  • Members who lost livelihoods were unable to repay loans.

The income recovery program implemented post-tsunami provided support in the form of:

  • Cash transfers;
  • Temporary employment;
  • Economic activities.

According to the presentation:

  • Pre-tsunami structural weaknesses of microfinance institutions (MFIs) have become more acute after the event;
  • People who lost their assets may find grants more useful than loans;
  • Actual demand for credit is not as high as some studies estimate;
  • Credit lines with interest caps hardly reach the needy;
  • It is too early to assess the effect of grant programs on the repayment culture.

The post tsunami challenges are:

  • Quality standards of the external assistance;
  • Better coordination amongst donors;
  • Absorption of the money by the sector.

About this Publication

By Steinwand, D.