All Publications

Showing 371 - 380 of 9043

Platforms, Livelihoods, and Inclusive Finance

This publication provides an overview of the increasing interconnectedness of platforms and financial service offerings and how platforms can push the frontiers of inclusive finance.

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Predominant Cash-In Cash-Out (CICO) Models in India

This study explores the challenges across the entire lifecycle of agents in India, from setting up to reaching sustenance.

Case Study

Role of Technology in Scaling up the BC Sakhi Network in Uttar Pradesh: A Lesson for Other States

This case study charts how Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission used technology to strengthen the BC Sakhi (women business correspondent) network in the state in an effort to improve the status of financial inclusion among rural adults.


Sharia Finance & Women's Financial Inclusion in Indonesia

Indonesia has the largest number of Muslims of any country in the world, at 237 million. This study looks at whether Sharia finance may better work for women's financial inclusion.


Bangladesh Digital Payments Country Diagnostic (2022 Edition)

This country analysis estimates that digital payments can boost Bangladesh’s annual GDP, and responsible payments digitization in certain sectors will help accelerate progress towards the SDGs by 2030.


Bangladesh’s National Digital Payments Roadmap 2022-2025

This study is designed to accelerate collaboration between the public and private stakeholders, presenting a framework for using new approaches and technologies to transform the payment ecosystem.

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Choice of Channel: Understanding How LMI Women Select a Channel to Conduct Financial Transactions

The framework presented in this research helps understand which channel individuals choose for conducting financial transactions and why.


Index Insurance Best Practices for Insurance Regulators and Practitioners in the Pacific Island Countries

The goal of these best practice guidelines is to build the capacities of insurance supervisors and regulators to create enabling market conditions for successful inclusive insurance interventions.

Case Study

Making Climate Risk Microinsurance Work

This case study captures a Guatemalan insurance company's journey of offering climate risk microinsurance, including details on the delivery model employed, financial performance, and key learnings.


Merchant Expansion through Digital Acceptance and Liquidity (MEDAL) Facility Report

This report discusses the future direction of digital payments in Jordan to increase their acceptance both on the merchant and user sides.