Showing 161 - 170 of 227 results
FinEquity Blog

Reflecting Forward: A Focus on Thoughtful and Deliberate Digitally-Enabled Financial Inclusion for Women in 2021

In this post, FinEquity’s Thematic Lead for Digitally-Enabled Financial Inclusion (DEFI) Catherine Highet introduces the work plan for the coming year focusing on sub-themes that assess some of the challenges of DEFI and considers thoughtful approaches to better enable the meaningful use of digital financial services. 
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity's January 2021 Newsletter

FinEquity's January 2021 Newsletter. We are excited to introduce our new learning agenda organized around three main themes:  Gender-Transformative Solutions, Digitally-Enabled Financial Inclusion,  and Impact Pathways.
FinEquity Blog

Gender-Transformative Solutions During the COVID Era and Beyond

FinEquity’s new learning agenda, developed by drawing on engagement with our membership base and deep-dive consultations with leading research and programmatic stakeholders, is organized around three main learning themes: Gender Transformative Solutions, Digitally-Enabled Financial Inclusion, and Impact Pathways. 
FinEquity Blog

Diagnostic: Female Livelihoods in the Gig Economy

A summary of Caribou Digital's virtual discussion on women in platform work, featuring 12 experts on the topic, ranging from those running platforms to donors, private sector, academia and advocacy.
FinDev Blog

Top Five Digital Financial Service Features That Impact Women’s Access and Use

Research in Kenya and Côte d’Ivoire provides guidance for DFS providers and regulators on how to help ensure that digital tools make women more - not less - financially included. 
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity's December 2020 Newsletter

Herein we share the highlights from #FinEquity2020 when our community came together to connect, share, learn, and influence.
FinEquity Blog

Jamie M. Zimmerman, Gender Lead, Financial Services for the Poor, Global Growth & Opportunity Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

In this FinEquity Member Spotlight, Jamie Zimmerman talks about her priorities as Gender Lead for Global Growth & Opportunity at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, her key take-aways from #FinEquity2020, and challenges & opportunities for WFI in the next five years
FinEquity Blog

Crisis as an Inflection Point for Women’s Financial Inclusion:

Some key insights and resources we take away from #FinEquity2020:
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity2020 and Beyond

A preview of FinEquity's expanded thematic areas and member engagement opportunities.
FinEquity Blog

Carolina Trivelli, Researcher Instituto de Estudios Peruanos

In this FinEquity Member Spotlight, Carolina Trivelli talks about the creation of FinEquityALC and advances in WFI in Peru and in the LAC region.