Showing 141 - 150 of 227 results
FinEquity Blog

Women's Empowerment Is Complex, Multidimensional, and Context-Specific; Measuring Empowerment Should Be Too

In this blog we feature three studies that have reconsidered standard approaches to the measurement of women's empowerment with surprising results.
FinEquity Blog

Reflections on FinEquity’s Fifth Year

This year's annual stock-taking of member composition and feedback discusses areas where FinEquity has excelled, and where the community can focus its efforts in the coming year.  
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity's July 2021 Newsletter

This month we bring you FinEquity's Monitor - a roundup of new publications; webinar recordings and upcoming events from the community.
FinEquity Guide

FinEquity Monitor

This FinEquity Monitor serves as an updated roundup to keep financial inclusion and women’s economic empowerment stakeholders abreast of new publications that can help advance the practice.
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity's June 2021 Newsletter

This month we bring you our latest publication "Enabling Women’s Financial Inclusion through Digital Financial Literacy", the upcoming "Conversations with Providers - Deconstructing the Monolith: Segmentation of Women Clients," as well as our webinar "Applying a Gender Lens to PAYGo Solar," and much more. 
FinEquity Blog

5 Reasons for More Rigorous Qualitative Work on the Intersection of WEE and DFS

While there is a clear and immediate need for more rigorous evaluations on the impact of DFS and WEE, this post presents five reasons — and five ways — to utilize qualitative work to explore this subject area.
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity's May 2021 Newsletter

This month we bring you our Annual Survey 2021, the upcoming "Conversations with Providers - Deconstructing the Monolith: Segmentation of Women Clients," as well as our webinar "Applying a Gender Lens to PAYGo Solar," and much more. 
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity Annual Survey 2021

Dear FinEquity members, we are launching our annual survey. We would love to receive your feedback to design strategies and resources that serve your needs. Your participation is important to us, please help us by answering this 4-minute survey. 
FinEquity Blog

Seeking Concrete Actions to Empower Women Financially Through the Generation Equality Forum

The Generation Equality Forum (GEF), a civil society-centered, multi-stakeholder, and global gathering for gender equality, convened by UN Women and co-hosted by the governments of Mexico and France, in partnership with civil society and youth, is seeking to address some of those inequality issues.
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity's April 2021 Newsletter

This month we bring you the “Social Norms Diagnostic Co-Lab” recently launched by CGAP and FinEquity, a guest blog on women’s groups and resilience, the upcoming webinar “Empowering Women on a Journey Towards Digital Financial Capability” by Women’s World Banking with FinEquity as a contributing partner, and much more.