Showing 151 - 160 of 227 results
FinEquity Blog

Understanding How the Psychosocial Elements of Women's Groups Contribute to Building Resilience

Despite the mainstream inclusion of resilience in the international development and humanitarian assistance sectors, there is still much we do not understand about the linkages between psychosocial factors, like social capital, and women’s empowerment, and resilience. 
FinEquity Blog

A Collaborative Effort to Diagnose the Effect of Social Norms on Women's Financial Inclusion

In March 2021, CGAP and FinEquity launched a peer-learning program called “Social Norms Diagnostic Co-Lab” to understand how social norms affect women’s financial inclusion in specific contexts as well as to identify opportunities to design gender-transformative solutions that advance women’s financial inclusion and economic empowerment.
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity's March 2021 Newsletter

This month we bring you a list of key publications on women's financial inclusion and economic empowerment compiled with FinDev Gateway as well as blogs on the digital gender divide and the key takeaways from our first Tools Workshop. 
FinEquity Blog

Why Does She Behave the Way She Does? - Key Takeaways from the Tools Workshop

Participants of FinEquity’s inaugural Tools Workshop “Why does she behave the way she does? - Using Personas to unpack gendered social norms for financial inclusion" learned how to develop social norms-informed Personas through a series of hands-on exercises.
FinEquity Blog

Introducing FinEquity's Technical Advisory Committee

FinEquity recently welcomed its inaugural Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for its first meeting on February 26, 2021. The committee is chaired by Antonique Koning, Gender Lead and Senior Financial Sector Specialist at CGAP.
FinDev Guide

FinDev Guide to Women’s Financial Inclusion and Economic Empowerment

In honor of International Women’s Day, we share a curated list of key resources from FinEquity, the women’s financial inclusion community of practice convened by CGAP.
FinDev Blog

Can Financial Service Providers Help Reduce Intimate Partner Violence?

A review of the literature finds that combining microfinance services with social empowerment interventions has been effective, and that measures to reduce the financial stress associated with taking on debt could also help.
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity's February 2021 Newsletter

This month we bring you our third learning theme, Impact Pathways; our Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Guide; upcoming events and opportunities; as well as FinDev's podcast. 
FinEquity Blog

Making Measurement Count: A Focus on Impact Pathways for Women’s Financial Inclusion

This is the fourth post in our series on FinEquity’s new learning themes, launched in 2020. In this blog, FinEquity’s new Thematic Lead for Impact Pathways (IP), Jennifer Ferreri, shares an overview of the theme, introducing the work plan for the coming year and highlighting how members can engage during the year.
FinEquity Blog

Minding the DFS Gender Gap: Battling Social Norms to Level the Playing Field

Last week, Mondato hosted a webinar focused on the digital financial services (DFS) gender gap, as part of its “The New Normal in Digital Finance” series.