All Publications

Showing 5601 - 5610 of 9051

The Development of Microfinance in Pakistan

Exploring key developments in grassroots financial services

2005 MIX Global 100: MFI League Tables

Global ranking of MFIs based on outreach, efficiency, productivity and portfolio quality

2005/2006 BPR & LPD Customer Satisfaction Survey

This report presents key survey results for Indonesia's rural credit banks

A Billion to Gain? A Study on Global Financial Institutions and Microfinance

Attitudes and activities of global commercial banks towards microfinance
Case Study

A Case Study in Transformation: The Creation of Uganda Microfinance Limited (ACCION Monograph #15)

Highlighting the Uganda Microfinance Union transformation to a regulated deposit-taking institution

A Critique of GB II's Means Test for Membership

Analyzing Grameen Bank's revised guidelines for determining the eligibility of applicants
Guide / Toolkit

A Methodology for Assessment of the Impact of Microfinance on Empowerment and Vulnerability

Proposing a framework to understand the impact of microfinance

A Promise to Pay the Bearer: An Exploration of the Potential for Urban Microfinance in India

Analyzes microfinance as a socio-commercial instrument for addressing urban poverty challenges

A System of Drought Insurance for Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas

Feasibility study of drought insurance methodology used by poor farmers, and other agencies

A Vision for the Development and Expansion of the Microfinance Sector in Sudan

Placing microfinance in Sudan within the wider framework for poverty alleviation