
A Billion to Gain? A Study on Global Financial Institutions and Microfinance

Attitudes and activities of global commercial banks towards microfinance
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This study was commissioned by ING Microfinance Support and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs with an objective to understand:

  • The current activities and future plans of international commercial banks with regards to microfinance;
  • Learnings for international commercial banks from domestic banks involved in microfinance;
  • Role of Government in helping corporations to combat poverty as seen by international commercial banks.

The report states that:

  • the international banks' main motive stems from either corporate citizenship or commercial targets.
  • Most banks seem to follow 'dual strategy', i.e. strategy of combining both types of target as they cannot rely on one alone; this is an effective way for international commercial banks to make long term investment in microfinance.

The report concludes that:

  • The key question for international commercial banks is whether their involvement would increase the availability of products at lower prices for more people at the lower end of the market.
  • The answer may not be evident in next five to ten years, but it is certain that the international banks would not leave the microfinance stage early.

About this Publication

By Crijns, G., Lansbergen, F., Pater, A., Putten, F., Timmer, D.