
A Critique of GB II's Means Test for Membership

Analyzing Grameen Bank's revised guidelines for determining the eligibility of applicants

This briefing note criticizes the Grameen Bank's revised guidelines for determining the eligibility of applicants, stating that the new guidelines:

  • Further strengthen the focus on land and asset ownership;
  • Specify households that should not be considered for membership using six kinds of criteria: household income, place of occupation, education level, housing type and value, household assets, membership of other MFIs.

The note offers three criticisms of the guidelines:

  • The specified levels are set too low, resulting in too restricted a pool of eligible applicants;
  • They are unworkable in practice, leading field workers to find ways around them;
  • They represent a missed opportunity to construct a useful database on membership.

The note concludes that:

  • Grameen's membership means test is:
    • Too restrictive;
    • Fails to take into account regional differences and the dynamic character of poverty;
    • Is generally not well enforced by staff.
  • However, collecting the same data as a description of new members, rather than as a prescription for them, would be more feasible, and would yield information of real use to Grameen's business plans and to researchers working for Grameen and for microfinance in general.

About this Publication

By Maniruzzaman, M.