All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 220
Case Study

AMK Cambodia: Using Client Data to Inform the Strategy

Social performance management case study on monitoring progress toward social goals
Case Study

Arvand Tajikistan: Using Mystery Shopping to Understand Clients

Social performance management case study on the use of market research techniques
Case Study

CREZCAMOS Colombia: Providing Transparent Information to Clients

Social performance management case study on four of the essential practices for transparency
Case Study

Opportunity Bank Serbia: Implementing a Strategic Plan for SPM

Case study on the role of governance in avoiding mission drift
Case Study

UGAFODE Uganda: Listening to Client Complaints

Case study on a complaint handling system in relation to SPM Universal Standards
Case Study

Visión Banco: Creating a Comprehensive Staff Training Program

Case study on Paraguayan bank's implementation of social performance standards

Vision Fund Uganda: Piloting and Using the PPI

Case study with recommendations on improving effectiveness in relation to SPM Universal Standards
Case Study

AMFIU: Supporting Improved Compliance with the Universal Standards in Uganda

How the national microfinance association helped its members define and monitor their social goals

MIX Microfinance World - Social Performance Practice in India Development goals

Assessing the social performance of Indian MFIs