Case Study

CREZCAMOS Colombia: Providing Transparent Information to Clients

Social performance management case study on four of the essential practices for transparency

This case study is directed toward microfinance providers who seek to improve their social performance management (SPM) practices. The case of CREZCAMOS S.A. (Colombia) highlights how an institution can provide transparent product information to clients.

The good practices discussed in this case study exemplify how providers can implement four of the Essential Practices found in the SPTF Universal Standards for Social Performance Management:

  • The institution fully discloses cost and non-cost information (Essential Practice 4b.1).
  • The institution communicates proactively with clients in a way that clients can easily understand (Essential Practice 4b.2).
  • The institution uses a variety of disclosure mechanisms (Essential Practice 4b.3). 
  • The institution leaves adequate time for client review and discloses information at multiple times (Essential Practice 4b.4).

Each of these Essential Practices are also Smart Campaign Client Protection standards from Client Protection Principle 4: Transparency.

About this Publication

By Llanos, E.