All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 44

Freedom from Hunger and Recent Developments at PADME in Benin

This paper expresses Freedom from Hunger’s support to the microfinance organization PADME in Benin.

Insurance for the Poor: The Case of Informal Insurance Groups in Benin

Discusses the functioning of indigenous insurance groups based on a survey in Cotonou, Benin

Lessons Learnt from Guarantee Funds: The example of the International Guarantee Fund (IGF)

Achieving self-sustainability for guarantee funds

Comparative Review of Microfinance Regulatory Framework Issues in Benin, Ghana and Tanzania

Is regulation of microfinance as important as it is made out to be?

Implementation of the PARMEC Law for Regulation of Microfinance

Has the PARMEC law been successfully implemented in Benin?

Microfinance and Health Program in Benin

What are the socio-economic factors that make a population more susceptible to malaria?

Microfinance Regulation: Lessons from Benin, Ghana and Tanzania

What is the connection between regulation and the development of MFIs?

Microfinance in Africa: Experience and Lessons from Selected African Countries

Presentating the development of the microfinance sector in Africa

A Survey of Microenterprise in Urban French West Africa

Identifying key factors shaping the microenterprise sector in West Africa

Microfinance Regulation in Benin: Implications of the PARMEC Law for Development and Performance of the Industry

Do financial laws and regulations impact sustainability and outreach of microfinance institutions