All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 49

Microfinance in Africa: Experience and Lessons from Selected African Countries

Presentating the development of the microfinance sector in Africa

A Survey of Microenterprise in Urban French West Africa

Identifying key factors shaping the microenterprise sector in West Africa

Striving for Sustainability and Equity- Guinea: Smallholder Development Project in the Forest Region

How effective has IFAD's program in Guinea been in increasing the region's rural development?

Microfinance Regulation in Benin: Implications of the PARMEC Law for Development and Performance of the Industry

Do financial laws and regulations impact sustainability and outreach of microfinance institutions

The Emerging Movement of Community Based Health Insurance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences and Lessons Learned

Can public-private partnerships contribute to improved community based health insurance schemes?

Developments of Microfinance in West Africa and Trends for the Decade

Does Africa remain the forgotten continent?

Village Banks, Caisses Villageoises, and Credit Unions - Lessons from Client-Owned Microfinance Organizations in West Africa

How can mutual organisations be sustainable?