
Developments of Microfinance in West Africa and Trends for the Decade

Does Africa remain the forgotten continent?
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This paper briefly describes the development of the microfinance sector in Africa. It identifies the main characteristics and prominent features of the recent developments as:

  • Types of microfinance organizations which include:
    • Savings and credit institutions,
    • Micro credit organizations inspired by the Grameen Bank,
    • Organizations and projects with credit component.
  • Phenomenon of rapid growth which can be contributed to:
    • A dominant situation on the microfinance market, such as FECECAM in Benin, which services 56% of the clientele and where the banking sector is totally absent,
    • High competition between microfinance institutions (MFIs).
  • New promoters and new generation of MFIs which include:
    • Commercial banks,
    • Promoters from business class forming credit unions,
    • Unemployed urban youth interested in setting up a profitable microfinance business.
  • Integration in the financial sector with more MFIs establishing financial relations with banks.

Finally the paper suggests some of the trends for the next decade which may highlight:

  • Split in the large federation to form more autonomous regional institutions;
  • Increased co-operation from the banking sector as more commercial banks enter the microfinance market;
  • MFIs expanding into the urban markets to cater to the small and medium enterprise market due to its profitability.

About this Publication

By Chao-Beroff, R.