All Publications

Showing 41 - 50 of 144

Taking Stock of Investors' Perceptions of the Social Rating

Survey to assess social investors’' view of social rating tools developed by a USAID team
Case Study

A Microfinance Institution Expands Its Services to Protect Clients' Health

Has CRECER achieved the double bottom line providing cohesive health protection services to clients?

Benchmarking Azerbaijan Microfinance 2006

Analyzing MFI performance in Azerbaijan
Case Study

CRECER, Bolivia: SPM in Practice

This paper describes the progress made by CRECER in managing social performance
Guide / Toolkit

Credit Union Regulation and Supervision: Technical Guide

WOCCU’s experiences in developing suitable regulatory systems and supervisory frameworks

What does Competition Mean for Indian MFIs?

Lessons for Indian MFIs coping with a competitive environment
Case Study

Strategic Alliances for Scale and Scope Economies: Lessons from FADES in Bolivia

Achieving economies of scale through strategic alliances
Case Study

Healthy Women, Healthy Business: A Comparative Study of Pro Mujer's Integration of Microfinance and Health Services

Improving lives of low-income women entrepreneurs in Latin America

Poverty and Globalization Study: Cases Bolivia and Nicaragua

A look at the relationship between poverty and globalization

Azerbaijan Benchmarking Report 2004

Analyzing performance of microfinance in Azerbaijan