Displaying 1 - 10 of 12
Case Study

Preserving the Essence, Adapting for Reach: Early Lessons from Large-Scale Implementations of the Graduation Approach

Four case studies and synthesis analysis for scaling up the Graduation Approach
Guide / Toolkit

From Extreme Poverty to Sustainable Livelihoods: A Technical Guide to the Graduation Approach

Providing guidelines to develop poverty alleviation programs

Why Social Performance Management? A Note for Microfinance Associations

How can microfinance associations promote social outcomes among member MFIs?
Case Study

Financing Coffee Farmers in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia: Challenges and Opportunities

Paper presented at FAO, the Ford Foundation, and IFAD’'s conference on rural finance research

Poverty and Globalization Study: Cases Bolivia and Nicaragua

A look at the relationship between poverty and globalization

The Financial Diaries: Investigating the Financial Lives of the Poor in South Africa

Presenting a detailed picture of the financial lives of the poor in South Africa

Notes from Preliminary Review on Microfinance for Poverty Reduction in Vietnam

Improving provision of microfinance services in Vietnam

A Framework for Analyzing Livelihood Intervention Choices

Designing a livelihood strategy