All Publications

Showing 41 - 50 of 469
Guide / Toolkit

The Privacy as Product Playbook

This playbook, first-of-its-kind for the inclusive finance sector, aims to fill that gap and demonstrate a comprehensive way to integrate responsible data practices into the design process.


Supervising Migrant Insurance and Pensions

This TC Note explains why insurance and pensions for migrant workers is an important area of focus for supervisors.

Guide / Toolkit

Digital Financial Services for Financial Inclusion: Tools for Supervisors

This Technical Guide was created to provide practical guidance and set strong foundations for digital financial services supervision.

Slide Deck

Engaging Financial Services Providers in the Context of G2P Choice

This deck aims to help implementers of G2P choice programs in better reaching recipients and achieving program objectives.

Guide / Toolkit

Financial Confidence Playbook

This Playbook offers a design guide for product teams and research organizations focused on digital financial services for the last mile.


Reaching Financial Equality for Women

This publication offers a 10-point action plan for governments, companies, and international organizations to help end women's economic exclusion.


Sending Cash Transfers to Women: How to Design Programs that Enhance Well-Being While Safeguarding Against Intimate Partner Violence

This report examines existing evidence on the impact of cash transfers on intimate partner violence against women and proposes design approaches to mitigate and minimize those risks.


State of the Art of Green Inclusive Finance 2011-2019

This report, which is the result of a collaborative effort with the Green Inclusive and Climate Smart Finance Action Group, offers a comprehensive overview of the current landscape of green inclusive finance.


The Global State of Financial Inclusion & Consumer Protection, 2022

This report details the key findings and provides a source of global data to benchmark efforts by financial sector authorities to improve the enabling environment for financial inclusion and consumer protection.


The Global State of Financial Inclusion and Consumer Protection, 2022

This publication details the key findings and provides a source of global data to benchmark efforts by financial sector authorities to improve the enabling environment for financial inclusion and consumer protection.