All Publications

Showing 5641 - 5650 of 9051

Bosnia and Herzegovina: MFI Performance Trends 2003 - 2005

This report analyzes the performance trends in mature microfinance sectors

Bribes, Taxes and Regulations: Business Constraints for Microenterprises in Tanzania

Should the focus on microfinance constraints shift to institutional issues?
Case Study

Buffalo, Bakeries, and Tractors: Cases in Rural Leasing from Pakistan, Uganda, and Mexico

Discussing relevance and potential of rural leasing as a financing tool

Building an Honest Microfinance Organization: Embezzlement and the Optimality of Rigid Repayment Schedules and Joint Liability

What is the best response to the possibility of embezzlement?

Building Strong Networks: An Institutional Strengthening Guide for Microfinance Networks

A technical guide for strengthening regional and country-level microfinance networks.

Building Sustainable Housing Finance Systems: Impacts of the European Fund for Southeast Europe.

Outcomes and impacts of housing loans in post-conflict environments

Building the Assets of the Poorest: Savings-Led Financial Services

Report of an online "Speaker's Corner" discussion hosted by USAID's
Guide / Toolkit

Business Plan Guidelines for Microfinance Institutions

Preparing business plans in microfinance

Capital of Alternative Financial institutions and Basel II: Credit Cooperatives and Islamic Banks

Why is Basel II inadequate for alternative financial institutions?