All Publications

Showing 41 - 50 of 635

Making Digital Public Infrastructure Work for Women

This policy brief offers recommendations that leverage digital public infrastructure to enable and advance women’s economic empowerment through financial inclusion.

Slide Deck

Pathways Through Platform Livelihoods in Indonesia

This pathways study aims to understand digital platforms as a livelihood source, capturing and contrasting the self-reported state of participants before, during, and after engaging on platforms.

Slide Deck

Digital Credit Consumer Risks in Côte d'Ivoire

The study centers around the results of a survey on digital credit risks in Côte d'Ivoire. It seeks to analyze the impacts and risks associated with the use of digital credit and the opportunities for improving consumer protection.

Slide Deck

Digital Finance Consumer Risks: Senegal National Study

To understand digital finance consumer risks in Senegal and in the West African Economic and Monetary Union, this slide deck shares an overview of the risks digital financial service users faced in the past year in Senegal.


Driving Digital Financial Services in Africa Through Merchant Acceptance of Digital Payments

This report analyzes the current digital payment landscape in Africa and offers key recommendations to regulators for developing enabling payment policies that drive innovation.


Interoperability of Financial Services Providers: Afghanistan

This report looks for solutions for restarting the Afghanistan Payment System and ensuring interoperability to enable adoption of digital payments across the country.

Case Study

From 1% to 30%: the Journey of the Philippines Towards Responsible Digital Payments

This case study examines the success story of the Philippines by diving into the key decisions made by the government and private sector in accelerating the adoption of responsible digital payments.


Women: Risk and Consumer Protection in Online Leading Platforms in Indonesia

This study delves into women's experiences as users of online lending platforms in Indonesia using a gender lens to examine the risks in online lending platforms unique to women.


Digitally Enabled Climate Finance

This report provides emerging insights on the role of mobile and digital technology in accessing and delivering climate finance in low- and middle-income countries.

Slide Deck

Global Landscape: Data Trails of Digitally Included Poor (DIP) People

This reading deck puts a spotlight on the specific data trails generated by digitally included yet poor people, the sources of these data trails, and variations of data trails across different segmentations.