All Publications

Showing 991 - 1000 of 1694

A Sea of Entrepreneurial Opportunity: Tanzania

USAID promotes economic growth and environmental sustainability in Tanzania's coastal villages

An Empirical Analysis of Microcredit Repayment in Southwestern Nigeria

Analyzing variables that affect microcredit repayment

Client Satisfaction with Health Insurance in Uganda

Highlighting the client perspective on microinsurance

Credit Union Growth Program - Member Income Survey 2007

Examining satisfaction of credit union members
Case Study

Financing Coffee Farmers in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia: Challenges and Opportunities

Paper presented at FAO, the Ford Foundation, and IFAD’'s conference on rural finance research

Group Lending and the Role of the Group Leader: Theory and Evidence from Eritrea

What tempts a group leader to volunteer for the job?

Kenya: Microfinance Act, 2006

This Act regulates the provision of microfinance in Kenya

Managing Loan ‘Delinquency and Microfinance: Lessons from Zambia

Correcting the neglected importance of loan officers in microfinance

Reaching Rural Areas with Financial Services: Lessons from Financial Cooperatives in Brazil, Burkina Faso, Kenya, and Sri Lanka

Insights from successful financial cooperative networks