
Kenya: Microfinance Act, 2006

This Act regulates the provision of microfinance in Kenya
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This act regulates the provision of microfinance in Kenya. The Act was enacted on December 30, 2006. The Act applies to deposit-taking institutions; parts of the Act may be declared applicable to no-deposit-taking institutions in the future. The Act addresses the following topics:

  • Licensing provisions. These include:
    • Qualifications for carrying out deposit-taking microfinance business;
    • Application, issuance, renewal, revocation and restriction of license;
  • Provisions related to governance, such as:
    • Minimum capital requirements and minimum liquid assets;
    • Prohibited activities;
    • Application for and limits on loans and credit facilities;
    • Submission of accounts to the Central Bank;
    • Provisions regarding the appointments and qualifications of an external auditor;
  • Supervision by the Central Bank that includes:
    • Inspection of institutions;
    • The power of the Central Bank to intervene in management;
  • Protection of deposits, including:
    • Liquidation of an institution by the Central Bank;
    • Rights of the Board on insolvency;
  • Miscellaneous provisions that cover:
    • Default by officers or employees;
    • Regulations and transitional provisions.

About this Publication

By Republic of Kenya