All Publications

Showing 6801 - 6810 of 9043
Case Study

Bank Rakyat Indonesia: Twenty Years of Large-scale Microfinance

Aiding the reform of a State-owned bank: a look at factors that ensure success
Case Study

Challenges of Scaling-up a Program for the Poorest: BRAC's IGVGD Program

Proceedings from "Scaling Up Poverty Reduction: A Global Learning Process and Conference", China
Case Study

China: IFAD's Assistance with Reform of the Rural Finance Sector

Lessons from International Fund for Agricultural Development's Rural Finance Sector Program in China

Development of Credit Reporting Around the World

A comprehensive overview of credit registries

Distance Learning May be Best Way to Train MFI Staff

Advantages of distance training
Case Study

Equity Building Society: A Domestic Financial Institution Scales Up Microfinance

What lessons can be learnt from Equity Building Society's experience in microfinance?

Financing Small and Medium-size Enterprises with Factoring: Global Growth in Factoring - and its Potential in Eastern Europe

How can small and medium enterprises in Eastern Europe benefit from factoring finance?

Global Results: Analysis and Lessons

Describing current donor challenges and recommendations for increased effectiveness in microfinance

Global Village Energy Partnership: Harnessing Energy for Poverty Reduction: People, Productivity and Partnerships

Proceedings from "Consumer Lending and Microfinance to Expand Access to Energy Services", 2004
Case Study

India: Women's Self-Help Groups in Andhra Pradesh - Participatory Poverty Alleviation in Action

How have self-help groups (SHG) contributed to poverty alleviation in Andhra Pradesh?