
Distance Learning May be Best Way to Train MFI Staff

Advantages of distance training
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This paper outlines the advantages and features of distance learning technologies. The author states that traditional face-to-face training methods in microfinance have proven to be expensive and ineffective, especially the actual application of the knowledge gained.

As per the paper, the advantages of distance learning technologies are:

  • The trainees can choose their pace and mode of training;
  • Progress can be monitored in a cost effective way;
  • Facilitators can support the participants in actually applying their knowledge to workplace situations;
  • It saves costs;
  • Follow-up assessments and performance monitoring is easy;
  • Participants know that they will be supported, reviewed and rewarded in this process;
  • Participants can make use of interactive multi media tools.

The author observes that a good distance learning program needs to have a content expert, a facilitator, an instructional designer and a technologist as its faculty members.The paper recommends that the participants be included in designing content. It concludes that distance learning training programs are effective because they are able to reach out to a larger number of participants at lower costs and with the kind of training that ensures performance results.

About this Publication

By Zucker, L.