All Publications

Showing 8991 - 9000 of 9043

The Subsector Methodology: A Field Orientation for CARE/Egypt, January 20 to February 7, 1992

Applying the subsector methodology to get information on credit markets in Egypt

A Review of the Prospects for Rural Financial Development in Bolivia

Challenges of creating sustainable financial services

Access to Credit for Poor Women: A Scale-up Study of Projects Carried out by Freedom from Hunger in Mali and Ghana

Analyzing Freedom from Hunger's village banking program in Mali and Ghana

Rural Finance in Developing Countries

What are the changes in agricultural credit that affect policy?
Case Study

Midterm Evaluation of the ASEPADE Component of the Small Business II Project, Honduras

Is the Small Business II (SB II) Project achieving its targets?

Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 1992 Concerning Banking

What are the guiding principles of banking laws in Indonesia?

Assessing Development Finance Institutions: A Public Interest Analysis

Suggesting a tool for comprehensive analysis of DFI financial performance and subsidy dependence

Commercial Aspects of Self-Help Group Banking in India: A Study of Bank Transaction Costs

Proceedings from the "Seminar on the SHG Bank Linkage Programme in India" 25-26 November 2002, India

Glossary of Terms for Agricultural Insurance and Rural Finance

A glossary to facilitate dialogue between countries on agricultural insurance and rural finance