
Rural Finance in Developing Countries

What are the changes in agricultural credit that affect policy?

This paper highlights that:

  • Agricultural credit systems justified by shortages of short- and long-term finance that have arrested agricultural growth, delaying/preventing adoption of new production technology and intensive nonlabor inputs;
  • Commercial lending institutions focus on large-scale farmers and ignore small-scale farmers because of trnsaction costs, collateral and risk;
  • Shortage of formal credit markets has been accompanied by the persistence of informal credit institutions which disburse funds rapidly, and the transaction costs for borrowers are low;
  • Specialized agricultural credit institutions have suffered from design deficiencies and cannot function as true financial intermediaries that mobilize deposits to make loans.

The solutions include:

  • Lending groups and credit cooperatives could reduce both transaction costs and the risks involved in lending to small farmers;
  • State or donor support should focus on institution-building and development for viable rural financial institutions.

About this Publication

By Yaron, J.