All Publications

Showing 7361 - 7370 of 9050

A Review of Commitment Savings Products in Developing Countries

The relative merits of different product designs for savings products in developing countries

Access to Financial Services in Botswana

How can access to financial services be improved in Botswana?

Access to Financial Services in Swaziland

What is the status of financial services in Swaziland?
Case Study

Agrocapital & Bai Tushum: Lessons from 2 Rural Financial Service Foundations

Can foundations deliver rural financial services effectively?

An Inventory of Micro-Insurance Schemes in Nepal

An inventory of twenty one existing and four planned micro-insurance schemes in Nepal

Application of Microfinance and Micro Insurance for Disaster Risk Management

Convergence of micro mitigation, micro credit and micro insurance to transfer risk

Appraising the Poverty Outreach of Microfinance

How to measure microfinance outreach?