
An Inventory of Micro-Insurance Schemes in Nepal

An inventory of twenty one existing and four planned micro-insurance schemes in Nepal

This paper presents the results of a study conducted by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) under its "Strategies and Tools against Social Exclusion and Poverty" (STEP) program to create an inventory of microinsurance schemes in Nepal.

The findings of the study include:

  • Ownership structures of schemes are diverse;
  • Organizations have an average of 10 years operational experience;
  • Majority benefit from external technical assistance and some receive financial assistance;
  • Majority operate through the regular organizational staff;
  • Majority operate in both urban and rural areas and some are limited to rural areas alone;
  • Most operate in the Central Development Region and least in the Far-Western Development Region of Nepal;
  • Five spectrums of services - healthcare, life, accident, livestock and housing - are covered, health care being predominant;
  • Schemes cover 173,447 people and the average total coverage could double in a few years;
  • Schedule of contribution include yearly, monthly, daily and others, yearly being predominant;
  • Most rely on individual voluntary contribution as against imposed compulsory contributions;
  • Majority of the organizations do not have other microfinance activities;
  • Most have no relation to public or private insurance companies.

The paper also presents an inventory of the 25 surveyed organizations covering their:

  • Genesis and evolution;
  • Insurance scheme details;
  • Funding sources;
  • Membership details;
  • Contributions and benefits;
  • Health care related information;
  • Problems and constraints;
  • Networks and linkages;
  • Sources of information.

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