All Publications
Showing 1631 - 1640 of 1699
The Private Sector and Development: Five Case Studies (Vol.1)
Has IFC's investments made a contribution to economic growth in its host countries?
Financial Market Fragmentation and Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa
Can policy reform overcome the problem of market fragmentation?
Kenya: The Co-operative Societies Rules, 2004
This document lists the rules for Co-operative Societies in Kenya
Leasing to Support Small Businesses and Microenterprises
Can leasing improve microenterprises' and small businesses' access to medium term capital finance?
Micro-Credit Benefits the Client: Evidence from Control Group Studies
Microenterprise programs: positive effects
Microfinance in Indonesia: An Assessment of Microfinance Institutions Banking with the Poor
What are the implications of group technologies?
UNDP Microfinance Assessment Report: Ghana
What is the impact of privatisation on financial accessibility?
Financial Repression, Interest Rates, and Credit Allocation in Sub-Saharan Africa
How have the financial systems developed over the years?
The Informal Sector and Microfinance Institutions in West Africa
How can the World Bank support microfinance interventions in West Africa?
Trade Credit in Zimbabwean Manufacturing
Who can access trade credit and how are applicants screened?