
Micro-Credit Benefits the Client: Evidence from Control Group Studies

Microenterprise programs: positive effects

This case study can be found on pages 102-105 of this larger document. The paper summarises the impacts of microenterprise programs on:

  • Household income: In Asia the trend is generally positive, while for Africa it is mixed; enables diversification in income sources; provides better protection against risk;
  • Enterprise growth: Improves monthly profits; increases enterprise income; sales growth; employment generation;
  • Food consumption: improvement in family diets, as well as in consumption of fish and meat; increase in total expenditure per capita;
  • Education: Despite having more impact on boys schooling than girls, both are positively affected;
  • Assets: Investment in household assets is associated with participation in programs;
  • Women's empowerment: Raised self esteem of most of the borrowers, felt more strongly by women than men.

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