Displaying 411 - 420 of 429

Directed Credit Programs for Agriculture and Industry: Arguments from Theory and Fact

Can provision of government credit be justified?
Case Study

Is Grameen Bank Sustainable?

Can the Grameen Bank model be replicated in other countries?

Providing Enterprise Development and Financial Services to Women- A Decade of Bank Experience in Asia

A study of providing enterprise development and financial services to low income clients

The Development of Cooperatives and Other Rural Organizations: The Role of the World Bank

Farm cooperatives and similar organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa and supporting World Bank programs

The Impact of Formal Finance on the Rural Economy of India

Does the benefits from agricultural credit programs outweigh the costs?

Rural Finance in Developing Countries

What are the changes in agricultural credit that affect policy?

Assessing Development Finance Institutions: A Public Interest Analysis

Suggesting a tool for comprehensive analysis of DFI financial performance and subsidy dependence

Interpreting Financial Statements: Banking Institutions in Developing Markets, Vol 2

Best practices for the financial sector

Successful Rural Finance Institutions

What should be considered in evaluating a rural financial institution's financial performance?

Developing Financial Institutions for the Poor and Reducing Barriers to Access for Women

Have financial services succeeded in reaching the poor, especially poor women?