Case Study

Is Grameen Bank Sustainable?

Can the Grameen Bank model be replicated in other countries?

This paper looks into the reasons behind the success of Grameen Bank as a bank for the poor.

The paper analyzes the Grameen Bank model and looks into the achievements of the Bank in terms of:

  • Membership growth;
  • Lending volume and portfolio mix;
  • Savings mobilization;
  • Social development.

The paper also analyzes the sustainability of Grameen Bank and discusses its:

  • Institutional viability;
  • Financial and economic viability;
  • Subsidy dependency;
  • Branch-level profitability;
  • Borrower viability.

The paper concludes that:

  • Grameen Bank is a unique Bangladeshi financial institution that has succeeded in providing credit, without collateral, to over 1.6 million poor people and recording very low default rates;
  • Grameen Bank has directly tackled poverty by targeting credit and organizational assistance directly to the poorest people, at reasonable terms that the poor find acceptable;
  • The successful replication of Grameen Bank model depends on the creativity and commitment of the leadership and its ability to carve out a market niche.

About this Publication

By Khandker, S. Khalily, B. , Khan, Z.