Displaying 391 - 400 of 429

Islamic Financial Systems

This paper describes basic principles, market trends, issues and challenges of Islamic finance

Targeted Credit Programs and Rural Poverty in Bangladesh

Costs and benefits estimates: Analysis of the financial and economic efficiency of credit programs

The Informal Sector and Microfinance Institutions in West Africa

How can the World Bank support microfinance interventions in West Africa?
Case Study

The Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee's Credit Programs: Performance and Sustainability

An evaluation of Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee's credit programs

Bank Regulation and the Network Paradigm: Policy Implications for Developing and Transition Economies

Framework for effective regulation of the banking sector

Bangladesh - Rural Finance

Proposing a rural financial market reform strategy that integrates formal and informal sectors

Household and Intrahousehold Impact of the Grameen Bank and Similar Targeted Credit Programs in Bangladesh

Are there distinct gender impacts from credit?

Rural Finance for Growth and Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan

A many pronged approach to meeting demand for credit

Financial Development and Economic Growth: Views and Agenda

A functional approach towards understanding the role of financial systems in economic growth
Case Study

Sustainability of a Government Targeted Credit Program: Evidence from Bangladesh

How can results such as those of the Grameen Bank and BRAC be achieved?