Displaying 31 - 40 of 42

Microinsurance: Providing Profitable Risk Management Options for the Low-Income Market

Proceedings from "New Partnerships for Innovation in Microfinance", June 23-24, 2005, Frankfurt

Expert Comments on Microinsurance

Developing partnerships to insure the world’s poor

Making Microinsurance Work for Clients

Looking at client preferences in risk management and implications for microinsurance product design

How Poor People Manage Risk

Insights into the risks low-income people face, and mechanisms they use to manage those risks

An Example of Systematic New Product Development for Life Microinsurance

Encouraging innovation in new product development by adopting a systematic approach

Lessons from Health Care Financing Programmes in East Africa

Key lessons learned from a variety of health microinsurance programs in East Africa

The Lure of Microinsurance: Why MFIs Should Work with Insurers

MFIs should tread cautiously in the microinsurance sector
Case Study

Community Health Plan (CHeaP Kenya): Notes from a Visit 1-2 July 2002

A case of comprehensive health care in Kenya
Case Study

Kitovu Patients Pre-Payment Scheme: Notes from a Visit 27-28 June 2002

Managing pre-paid health-insurance schemes - A case study from Kenya
Case Study

Microcare Ltd. Health Plan (Uganda) Notes from a visit 17-21 June 2002

Microinsurance technical advise to MFIs providing microinsurance