
An Example of Systematic New Product Development for Life Microinsurance

Encouraging innovation in new product development by adopting a systematic approach
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This paper asserts that for a new product to be successful, a critical prerequisite is the systematic new product development process. The paper reviews the process adopted by Co-operation and Relief Everywhere (CARE) in Ghana for developing a life insurance and pension product.

The paper discusses steps that must be followed during the designing and launching of a new product:

  • Evaluation and preparation;
  • Market research;
  • Design;
  • Pilot test;
  • Roll out.

The authors argue that the process of new product development must be driven by three important considerations:

  • Customers;
  • Competition;
  • Institution.

Describing briefly each stage of new product development, the paper lists the following lessons from the process:

  • Following a systematic product development process;
  • Selecting the insurer before choosing the lending institution;
  • Making sure the relationship facilitator has a strong understanding of insurance;
  • Outsourcing assistance where appropriate;
  • Having quantitative objectives to track during the test;
  • Holding salespeople accountable with incentives and targets;
  • Ensuring that there are no subsidies for sales people unless they are directly tied to productivity;
  • Approaching regulators only after thorough preparedness;
  • Cultivating relationships with credit delivery institutions.

About this Publication

By McCord, M., Wilson, T., Sagoe, P., Markowski, P.