Case Study

Microcare Ltd. Health Plan (Uganda) Notes from a visit 17-21 June 2002

Microinsurance technical advise to MFIs providing microinsurance
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This paper describes the evolution of ‘MicroCare’, a not-for-profit health management organization in Uganda that focuses entirely on the low-income market, from working primarily with microfinance institutions (MFIs) to working with other low-income groups in order to identify issues related to working with MFIs in partnerships.

The paper describes MicroCare’s:

  • Products, institutional structure, and partnerships;
  • Management and governance;
  • Client levels of satisfaction with the product;
  • Risk management and SWOT analysis.

The paper concludes by deriving lessons from the experience of MicroCare about:

  • Operations:
    • A good computer system needs to be in place to prevent hospital patients from cheating the system,
    • A health care financing institution must develop and maintain reserves and relationships with a re-insurer to take care of risk.
  • Marketing:
    • Marketers are the growth engine of a health insurance operation,
    • Unless there is effective supervision of a marketer’s activities, the institution is unlikely to realize meaningful growth,
    • Marketing needs to create awareness in people about insurance.
  • Accounts:
    • A health insurance operation needs to have an efficient accounts department that can interpret information and make it useful to the management.
  • Partners:
    • There is a need to have clear criteria for the selection of partners and agreements that adequately bind partners to their roles.

About this Publication

By McCord, M., Osinde, S.