Displaying 91 - 100 of 128

The Microfinance Experience in Latin America and the Caribbean

An overview of microfinance in Latin America and comparisons with Asia

Enhancing the Efficiency of Overseas Workers Remittances

How to facilitate workers' remittances in the Philippines?

Micro Success Story? Transformation of Nongovernment Organizations into Regulated Financial Institutions

Do non-government organizations benefit from transformation?

Commercialization of Microfinance: Perspectives From South and South East Asia

Can commercialization help in improving microfinance outreach?

Microfinance's Evolving Ideals: How They Were Formed, and Why They're Changing

Evolution of financial services for the poor

Testing Savings Product Innovations Using an Experimental Methodology

Assessing product impact - The importance of random experimental methods
Case Study

The Role of the Asian Development Bank in Promoting the Development of Microfinance in Lao PDR and Viet Nam

A summary of ADB's aid to rural and microfinance sectors

Local Government Finance, Private Resources, and Local Credit Markets in Asia

How effective are the local credit markets in Asia?