Displaying 111 - 120 of 128

Fourth Progress Report for East Timor - Microfinance

What is the focus of the microfinance operational strategy adopted for East Timor?

Microfinance in Northeast Thailand: Who Benefits and How Much?

What was the poverty impact of two microfinance programmes in Northeast Thailand?

Rejuvenating Bank Finances For Development in Asia and Pacific

How can poor households enhance their microenterprises, income earning capacity and quality of life?

Diagnostic Study of Accounting and Auditing Practices in Selected Developing Member Countries

Investigating accounting and auditing practices in ADB's member countries

Commercialization of Microfinance - Bangladesh

What are the opportunities deriving from microfinance commercialisation?

Project Progress Report on East Timor: Microfinance Development Project

Establishing sustainable microfinance systems for the poor and low income households

Rejuvenating Bank Finance for Development in Asia and the Pacific

An overview of domestic resource mobilization for development in Asia and the Pacific

Developing Sustainable Microfinance Systems

Developing microfinance systems that are capable of financing their growth for sustainable expansion
Guide / Toolkit

Technical Assistance for Microfinance Outreach Initiatives of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest

How has the collaboration between the Asian Development Bank and CGAP helped microfinance?

Technical Assistance to the Republic of the Philippines for Preparing the Microfinance for Rural Development Project

The role of the Asian Development bank in providing microfinance services in the Philippines