Displaying 81 - 90 of 128

Creating an Enabling Policy Environment for Microfinance

The role of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas in promoting microfinance for micro-enterprise development

Positive Approaches to Microfinance Commercialization

Defining roles of stakeholders for microfinance commercialization

Reaching the Poorest

What does Grameen II offer?

Establishing a Framework for Sustainable Rural Finance: Demand and Supply Analysis in Guizhou Province of the People's Republic of China

Framework to bridge the demand-supply gap of rural finance in China
Case Study

Serving the Poorest of the Poor: The Poverty Impact of the Khushhali Bank's Microfinance Lending in Pakistan

Can a 'profit-focused' bank reach the poorest of the poor?

Building Inclusive Financial Sectors: Why Are So Many Bankable People Unbanked?

United Nation's approach towards building inclusive financial sectors

Technical Assistance to the Republic of the Philippines for Enhancing Access of the Poor to Microfinance Services in Frontier Areas

How did the Asian Development Bank provide technical assistance to the Republic of the Philippines?

Technical Assistance to the Republic of Azerbaijan for Developing Collateral Framework and Microfinance Regulations

Developing a collateral framework and microfinance regulations for the Government of Azerbaijan

Technical Assistance to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste for Strengthening Microfinance Operations

Features of the Foundation for Poverty Reduction and the Microfinance Institution of Timor-Leste