
Local Government Finance, Private Resources, and Local Credit Markets in Asia

How effective are the local credit markets in Asia?
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The paper describes the state of the local government finance in the following Asian countries:

  • India;
  • Indonesia;
  • Pakistan;
  • The Philippines;
  • Other countries such as China, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

As per the authors, some of the problems faced by local government finance in the region are:

  • Fiscal health deterioration in many countries;
  • Mismatch between the delegated responsibilities and the revenue-generating authority;
  • Continued heavy reliance on central government transfers;
  • Lack of political will to develop an external financing strategy to tap long-term private resources.

The authors suggest setting up of two types of municipal credit markets, in order for local governments to mobilize private savings for long-term infrastructure projects:

  • The bank model popular in Western Europe;
  • The bond model widely used in North America.

Finally, the paper mentions some of the positive characteristics common for local government finance, in the developing member countries:

  • The member country governments show a common inclination for creating innovations that overcome the legal and political obstacles in tapping financial resources for local projects and services;
  • They share a common realization that they will be better poised to serve this greater demand for investments and services if they are able to develop vibrant credit markets.

About this Publication

By de Vera, R., Kim, Y.