Displaying 601 - 610 of 931

Credit and Microfinance Needs in Inland Capture Fisheries Development and Conservation in Asia

General principles for providing microfinance to the fisheries sector

Field Experiments in Rural Finance: An Example from Tamil Nadu, India

An empirical application of randomized controlled trials in investigating social phenomena
Case Study

Financing Coffee Farmers in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia: Challenges and Opportunities

Paper presented at FAO, the Ford Foundation, and IFAD’'s conference on rural finance research

Credit Appraisal for Non-Banking Financial Organizations in Tajikistan

A manual on credit appraisals for non-banking financial organizations

Innovative Agricultural Insurance Products and Schemes

Is government assistance necessary for the success of agricultural insurance?

Credit Constraints and Productivity in Peruvian Agriculture

A theoretic and empirical study that measures the impact of credit constraints

Insurance in Emerging Markets: Sound Development; Greenfield for Agricultural Insurance

This issue of Sigma focuses on agricultural insurance in emerging markets

Rural Development and Poverty Reduction: Is Agriculture Still The Key?

Examining the role of agriculture in poverty reduction
Case Study

Do Small Farmers Borrow Less When the Lending Rate Increases? The Case of Rice Farming in the Philippines

Examining the impact of interest rates on credit demand among Filipino farmers