Displaying 621 - 630 of 931

Nepal: Rural Finance Sector Development Cluster Program

Reducing poverty through rural finance

The Impact of Access to Credit on the Adoption of Hybrid Maize in Malawi: An Empirical Test of an Agricultural Household Model Under Credit Market Failure

Does access to credit affect the adoption of technology in credit constrained households?
Case Study

Providing Cost-effective Credit to Small-scale Single-Crop Farmers: The Case of Financiera El Comercio

Discussing appropriate mechanisms to finance single-crop farmers in Paraguay

Bank Indonesia Regulation Concerning Rural Banks

This regulation discusses the importance of strengthening rural banks

Rural Remote Microfinance and Selfish Genes

The formation of member-owned institutions to improve access to services in remote areas
Case Study

Warehouse Receipts Turn Corn into Collateral: Uganda

USAID-funded program in Uganda gives farmers access to bank loans and higher crop prices

Banking the Unbanked in Fiji: The ANZ Bank and UNDP Partnership Model

Paper presented at World Bank global conference on Access to Finance