Displaying 431 - 440 of 670

Uganda: The Micro Deposit-taking Institutions Act 2003

Statutory provisions for carrying out of microfinance business in Uganda

Law of Georgia on Non-Bank Depository Institutions : Credit Unions

The official document including principles and laws governing the activities of credit unions
Case Study

Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance in Nicaragua

How can microfinance regulation in Nicaragua be improved?

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Microlending Organizations

The legal status, operations and liquidation of commercial and non-commercial microlending

Law of the Azerbaijan Republic About Mortgage 2003

Law about mortgages - What and how of mortgage in the Azerbaijan Republic

The Financial Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2003

Amendments to three Tanzanian financial acts

The Implications of WTO and GATS for the Banking Sector in Africa

What is the likely impactsof global trade and services regulation on the banking industry in Africa?

Regulatory Requirements for Microfinance: A Comparison of Legal Frameworks in 11 Countries Worldwide

Summary and comparison of regulatory requirements for microfinance institutions in eleven countries
Case Study

Rediscovering Rural Finance by Retooling the Existing Institutions

Will loosening control on banks make them effective - A NABARD study