
Regulatory Requirements for Microfinance: A Comparison of Legal Frameworks in 11 Countries Worldwide

Summary and comparison of regulatory requirements for microfinance institutions in eleven countries

This paper aims to provide those involved in drafting legal texts for microfinance with a commented inventory of regulatory requirements for MFIs across eleven countries. The paper highlights the different regulatory options that arise from a comparison of different countries, and highlights where possible the benefits and drawbacks of these different options:

The paper looks at:

  • Different ways to stipulate rules;
  • Delegation of rule-making power;
  • Responsibilities for supervision and follow-up;
  • Different ways of distinguishing microfinance from mainstream banking and the unregulated microfinance sector;
  • Most important quantitative and qualitative regulatory requirements.

The paper concludes by recommending that more in-depth assessments of legal frameworks should consider:

  • Appropriateness of regulatory requirements in the relevant country context;
  • Enforcement of legal provisions (including, as a minimum looking at capacity, incentives and autonomy vs. accountability;
  • Development of clear recommendations for improving the regulatory framework for microfinance.

About this Publication

By Staschen, S.