Displaying 391 - 400 of 602

Underwriting Area-based Yield Insurance to Eliminate 'Risk Rationing' and Crowd-in Credit Supply and Demand

Paper presented at conference on rural finance research "Moving Results into Policies and Practice"

The Challenges of Managing Microinsurance Schemes in Uganda

A look at the factors affecting the effectiveness of microinsurance in Uganda
Case Study

Weather Index Insurance: The Case for South Africa

What are the steps that go into implementing weather index insurance in South Africa?

Assessing Opportunities for Agricultural Insurance and Risk Coping Strategies: In Dong Thap, Thai Binh and Vinh Phuc Provices, Vietnam

Summarizing opportunities and barriers to agricultural insurance in Vietnam

Microcredit Companies and Village Banks - Competition or Pluralism

An overview and comparison of new rural financial institutions in China

Insurance in Emerging Markets: Sound Development; Greenfield for Agricultural Insurance

This issue of Sigma focuses on agricultural insurance in emerging markets
Guide / Toolkit

Health Microinsurance Schemes: Monitoring and Evaluation Guide (Volume 1: Methodology)

Suggests a methodology to analyze and ensure the viability of health microinsurance schemes

Microinsurance, Insurance, Reinsurance: Effective Tools for Development

Discusses the role of the different microinsurance stakeholders, mainly insurance and reinsurance

Innovative Agricultural Insurance Products and Schemes

Is government assistance necessary for the success of agricultural insurance?

Partnerships: Microfinance Institutions and Commercial Partners

Examining the potential of partner-agent model for expanding microinsurance access