Displaying 371 - 380 of 602
Case Study

Agricultural Insurance in Developing Countries: An Introduction and a Case Study in Tamil Nadu, India

Designing insurance solutions for the poor

Micro Health Insurance in India: Pointers for Progress

Examining effectiveness of micro health insurance products

Premium Collection: Minimizing Transaction Costs and Maximizing Customer Service

Discussing challenges in insurance premium collection in low-income markets

Making Insurance Work for the Poor (Microinsurance Conference 2007)

Proceedings from the conference "Microinsurance conference: Making Insurance Work for the Poor"

Microinsurance Client Satisfaction Study: Zambia

Understanding the relevance of microinsurance services to clients

Underwriting Area-Based Yield Insurance to Crowd-In Credit Supply and Demand

Analyzing benefits of index-based insurance schemes

Microinsurance Aspects in Agriculture

Agricultural index-based insurance schemes for low-income households

Marketing: Promoting Insurance to the Poor

Creating an insurance culture in a low-income market

Product Design and Insurance Risk Management

Developing insurance products and services targeted at low-income markets

Health Insurance Benefit Packages Prioritized by Low-Income Clients in India: Three Criteria to Estimate Effectiveness of Choice

Should prospective clients be involved in the design of health insurance benefits packages?