Displaying 381 - 390 of 584

Using Surveys Effectively (Practice Note No. 4)

Key issues in planning, designing and implementing an imapct survey

Desktop Study: SMEs and Poverty Reduction

Can the development of small and medium enterprises bring about poverty reduction?

CGAP Country-Level Savings Assessment: Bosnia & Herzegovina

How to improve formal sector savings in Bosnia-Herzegovina?

Household Access to Microcredit and Child Work in Rural Malawi

How does access to microcredit affect the welfare of children?

Microfinance and Social Performance: How FINCA Used a Client Assessment Tool To Identify Mission Drift

Using research tools to monitor the social impact of microfinance services

CGAP Country-Level Savings Assessment: Uganda

Identifying constraints and opportunities for improving small balance deposit services

Microfinance Challenges: Empowerment or Disempowerment of the Poor?

Is the increasing commercialization of microfinance justified?
Case Study

Performance Analysis of Fisherwomen Self Help Groups in Tamil Nadu

Examining the impact of microfinance on fisherwomen's lives in India